About us
Founded in 2007 as the College for Advances Studies of Diplomacy in Practice, the organisation was created by enthusiastic young people studying at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Corvinus University of Budapest with the aim of complementing their theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge.
In 2017, the organisation was accredited as a college for advanced studies, it is called the College of Practical Diplomacy, the main aim of providing a deeper understanding of the world of foreign policy and diplomacy, as well as a broad and critical perspective on economic, cultural and current social issues through various professional programmes and events.

Our organisation in numbers
Universities' students
Courses per year
National protocol competition
Member alumni network
Our biannual closed diplomacy simulation simulates the functioning of an international organisation by simulating the way that organisation works.
Our organisation organises several camps for the Membership throughout the year, all organised by the Team Building Coordinator. These days are filled with a wide range of social and professional activities.
In our internal debate clubs, participants can discuss their own or a representative position on a social, public, economic or political issue in an organised setting.
In the Földes Ferenc Dormitory in Ráday Street we have a secure co-housing base, where non-movers often stop by for a free lane or for joint film nights and social afternoons.
Wine tours
In the spirit of cultural diplomacy, we will also visit Hungary’s famous wine regions.
We regularly invite experts from different disciplines or practitioners to give us a guided tour of a topic in a private discussion, workshop or training session.
They said about us
Our events
Our professional section organises monthly open events
during the academic term.